Keyword Tracking for SERPs

Keyword ranking data provides great insight into how your content is performing in SERPs (search engine results pages). Crawl any website and automatically import all of the keywords used in a website鈥檚 metadata, providing you with the option to track each keyword or keyword phrase. Specify the location and the type of device to track for the most accurate results. If you are planning a website redesign, find out where your highest ranking pages are so that you don鈥檛 wreak havoc on your organic search results.


  • RANK


Daily Tracking

Keyword data is checked and recorded each day for every keyword and domain. Daily data is displayed both in a list and chart showing the daily rank and the daily change to rankings in Google, Yahoo, and Bing.


Rank by Location

Track the keyword search results for international and local keyword rankings. Select from Google, Yahoo, and Bing with the option to track by individual countries with detailed daily data reporting.


Rank by Device

In a mobile-first world, it is important to use a keyword tracking tool that will track by device type. Track the ranking of keywords in search engine results for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.


Google, Yahoo, and Bing

Enter each keyword once to monitor the daily keyword rankings in the search engine result pages of the most widely used search engines: Google, Yahoo, Bing.


Device and Location

Keyword rankings can be drastically different depending on the device (desktop, tablet, or mobile) used and the location of the search engine used to query.


Volume and CPC

The search volume is provided to help users assess the potential search engine traffic from a given keyword and the associated CPC (cost per click) of each keyword according to Google Adwords.


Weekly Notifications

Keyword ranking report notifications are sent to users on a weekly basis. Each weekly notification report shows a portion of the keywords that are being tracked and a link to each report.


Unlimited PDF or CSV Exports

Keyword performance reports can be exported on-demand to PDF or CSV and contain details about each keyword, location, device, volume, avg. CPC, current rank, and rank change in Google, Bing, and Yahoo.


Rankings Graph

The daily rankings graph provides comprehensive options and features to visually display results of SEO efforts and /or lack thereof. Date ranges for the graph can be adjusted with the ability to toggle between search engines.

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